One day Hodja went to his Mosque to hear a sermon. He took a seat, but no-one had turned up, it was just him and the priest. A little perplexed, the priest asked Hodja if he should proceed with the sermon.
Hodja replied, "I am just a farmer; I am a simple man, so I cannot say what it is correct for you to do. What I can say is that when I go to feed my chickens and only one emerges from the pen to receive the feed, I don't let it go hungry."
Moved by the man's wisdom, the priest began delivering the most impassioned speech of his career. He covered every topic imaginable in the bounds of the religious arena, and some outside of it, gesticulating wildly throughout. After four hours, he finished and asked Hodja what he thought.
Hodja's answer came: "Like I said, I'm a simple man, I don't know these things. What I do know is that when I go to feed my chickens and only one emerges from the pen to receive the feed, I don't give it the whole bucket."